Packing Tips for Even the Best Travellers

A man organizes his suitcase on a bed in an executive furnished rental in Toronto, preparing for his trip.
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Packing Tips for Even the Best Travellers

Even the Best Travellers Need to Know About These Packing Tips!

Travelling has become a part of everyday life for many people and choosing which items to bring along can be a very difficult task. Whether it be for business meetings or long-term trips adopting practical and efficient packing habits is a necessity. Many of us have mastered the art of packing, but nonetheless, there is always more to learn!

For our readers, here are 6 packing tips to help you become an even better traveller!

1. Roll Up Big Jackets

This is a great way to save space— first fold sleeves inward, then fold the jacket in half and start rolling it from the bottom up and finally put two elastic bands around the roll to secure it. To maximize even more space, substitute the elastic bands with belts!

2. Where to Place Your Heaviest Items?

The heaviest items in your bag should always be placed at the bottom of your bag, where the wheels are located.  This will avoid any weight distribution issues and ensure that your bag will remain upright.

3. The Lazy Toiletries Bag

Whether you are staying at a short term rental in Toronto, an executive suite or any other accommodations at Toronto Luxury Suites, you will never have to worry about not having toiletries. However, we understand that many people need to travel with their own set of skin care or personal products. If this is the case for you, we suggest purchasing the lazy toiletries bag.  They are available on Amazon, and you simply place your items into the bag and then close it up with drawstrings—this will save you space and time!

4. Ziploc Bags Are an Affordable Alternative to Packing Cubes

Purchasing packing cubes are great, but they can add up and end up taking up space rather than making space.  Opt for using Ziploc bags instead, as they are reusable and come in every size.

5. Reusable Vacuum Bags Are the Ultimate Space Saver

Cut down on any and all bulk by packing your items in a reusable vacuum bag. Make sure to roll the item one section at a time, while pressing the air out of the bag—this will reduce the size down to more than half. To be even more efficient you can group each bag by a look and label them, Monday, Tuesday, etc.

6. Keeping Your Tech-Cords Organized

In a world revolving around phones, computers and many other technological items bringing these along with you is a necessity. However, these can become inconvenient and tedious to pack. A simple fix for this is to roll up the cords and hold them in place with a binder clip and then place them all into a Ziploc bag.

Whether you are packing for a short term rental or a condo vacation rental at Toronto Luxury Suites we hope even the most experienced travellers learned something from this list!